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Ohio Junior Ayrshire Club

The Ohio Junior Ayrshire Club’s purpose is to give youth more opportunities to learn about the Ayrshire breed and the benefits of milking Ayrshires. Yearly activities include the Ohio Ayrshire Queen and Princess contest, the Outstanding Ohio Ayrshire Youth contest, selling tickets for a raffle calf at the Ohio State Fair, and assisting at various Ayrshire activities throughout the year.

Download the entry form for the Ohio Ayrshire Queen and Princess contest here!

Membership for youth is free. Any youth actively involved in 4-H or FFA with an Ayrshire dairy project, or a youth from a family raising Ayrshires, is considered a member of the Ohio Junior Ayrshire Club. Youth interested in joining the Ohio Junior Ayrshire Club and being included in the newsletter mailing list should download the membership form here.

Ohio Ayrshire Breeders Association

President – Troy Knoll
Vice President – Rich Hamker

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